By Giorgia G


Mindset shifts, leadership strategies, and real life experiences to empower you to become the powerful leader your business and your people need, so you can achieve your next big income and business goal - without hustling.





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I'm Giorgia, transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your subconscious blocks to success and become the confident leader who can make bold moves, so you can finally reach your big business and income goals without hustling.

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You Always Manifest What You Desire. So Why Don’t You Have What You Want Yet?



If you have a desire, it is always being fulfilled. The first time I heard my coach say that, I got mad. Like, really mad. I had racked up a lot of debt to learn how to build a successful coaching business and had no clients. I desired to have a steady stream of high-tickets […]

How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality (This Is Why You Haven’t Reached Your Next Business & Income Goal Yet)



I have a note on my wall that says “thoughts become things.” It’s a daily reminder that my thoughts create my reality. I remember the first time my coach told me this. I wanted to punch her in the face through the screen. I had gotten myself in debt to invest in coaching programmes to […]

How To Stop Procrastinating, So You Can Finally Reach Your Big Business Goals (In 5 Easy Steps!)



“Stop procrastinating, Giorgia!” I had told myself I’d pop on Instagram to post a quick story and then get on with writing this article. Twenty minute later, I was still mindlessly scrolling through the Explorer page looking for… not sure what exactly. Instagram’s addictive like that. Has the same ever happened to you? When you […]

The Real Reason The Law Of Attraction ISN’T Working For You



Let me guess… You’re saying your positive affirmations every morning, have your vision board hanging on top of your desk, and are visualising yourself making 6-figures… and yet the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you? I remember when I was trying to manifest my first three coaching clients. I was doing all of the […]

4 Ways Playing The Victim Is Sabotaging Your Business



Are you playing the victim in your business? I’m not proud of it, but when I first started my business, I was in full victim mode. Back then, I was working 12 hours a day trying to do all the things the gurus told me I needed to do to get clients. I was posting […]

Is Your Money Story Keeping You Broke?



My parents had opposite views about money. My dad invested most of his earnings back into his business, so he could grow it even faster. Occasionally, he’d splurge on a new TV set or an expensive dinner for his big circle of friends.  My mum always looked for discounts, bought the cheapest of everything, and […]

stop negative self-talk

Negative Self-Talk: How To Stop It So You Can Reach Your Goals Faster



How many times a day do you engage in negative self-talk? I had all these negative thoughts running through my head when I first started my coaching business. I was so convinced no one would see me a capable coach and that I wouldn’t get clients… …That I manifested exactly that. It went like this: […]

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