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4 Ways To Stop Worrying & Start Taking Action Towards your Goals


Hi, I'm giorgia
A transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your success blocks, so you can go from overwhelmed to overbooked.
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The Freedom Formula is a proven system to help you go from overwhelmed to overbooked.

How do you stop worrying and start taking action towards your big business goals – the ones that are so big, they scare you?

I remember when I first had the idea for The Treasures Within podcast. Every cell of my body was on fire, screaming, “You’re so made for this!” But, my mind rejected it outright.

  • “You have a strong Italian accent, Giorgia. What if people can’t understand you?”
  • “You’ve never interviewed anyone in your life. What makes you think you’ll be good at it?”
  • “There are a gazillion podcasts out there already. Who will listen to you?”

Do you ever feel like that? So how do you stop worrying about what could go wrong and just take action towards your goal?

The Problem With Worrying

Worrying seems like a productive use of your time. You’re planning for all the things that could go wrong, so you can avoid them, right? The problem with worrying is that it keeps you so focused on problems, you never feel safe enough to take action towards your goal.

Your brain can’t do two things at the same time. When you’re focusing on problems, you’re NOT focusing on solutions. You’re not focusing on possibilities. You’re not focusing on all the things that could go right, all the ways your goal could come true, all the solutions to potential obstacles that are already there.

You could be using your time, resources, and mental energy on figuring out how to reach your goal. Instead, you’re using them to worry about things that will never happen while your goals get further and further away. What a waste of time and energy!

If worrying gets you nowhere, what does? Here are 4 ways to stop worrying about all the things that could go wrong and take action towards your goals:

How To Stop Worrying And Start Taking Action

1. Question Your Worries

What if I told you that, at the root of worry, is the fear of success? You’re not worrying about what you could go wrong if you fail. You’re worried about what could go wrong if you succeed. Here’s what I mean:

  • People can’t criticise your Italian accent if your podcast doesn’t get listeners.
  • You can’t be exposed as a fraud if you play so small, no one knows you exist.
  • You can’t disappoint a client if you don’t sign up any.

For you to experience the negative consequences of what you’re worried about, you must first succeed at it! By worrying about what could go wrong, you never get to be successful – and so you never get to experience its negative consequences. You also never get to experience the positive ones. You’re just… stuck.

The irony? A lot of what you’re worrying about is just in your head. And even if it were to come true, it’s not as bad as you think. Sure, a few people said they found it hard to understand my Italian accent, but the vast majority loved it and thought it was a pleasure to listen to!

Before you go down a worrying spiral, question your fear. Most of the time, it’s just blown out of all proportions and downright false!


Whenever you worry about something, question it:

  • How likely is this worry to happen?
  • If it were to happen, how bad would it be?
  • If it were to happen, how would you handle it?
  • What positive scenarios are more likely to happen instead? Focus your energy there.

Related: 5 Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt That Really Work

2. Calm Down Your Nervous System

Where do those worries come from? From past experiences that hurt us deeply. Even when you’ve successfully overcome the challenge, unprocessed negative emotions can trigger worry when you’re about to step into a similar situation.

Let me give you an example. I worried that, if I started a podcast and said the wrong thing, I’d be trolled and cancelled.

As a child, I was bullied at school for being too good and having all the right answers. My brain associated speaking up and sharing your knowledge with being bullied.

Every time I thought of starting a podcast, my nervous system remember what it was like to be bullied and triggered the alarm system to make me stop. Are you with me?

What is your origin story, the event that created that worry in the first place? As long as your nervous system associates your origin story with your current goal, you’ll never feel safe enough to take action.

The only way to get out of this is through. Find your origin story and process the emotions you still have around it, so that your body won’t trigger the alarm system anymore.


Identify the origin story that triggers your worry and then write a letter to the person who hurt you, telling them:

  • How much they hurt you.
  • How it affected you.
  • How you feel about them and what happened.
  • What you wish they had done differently.
  • Anything else that you’d like to say to them.
  • And then burn the letter and let it go.

Do this as many times as it takes for you to completely remove the negative emotional charge off your origin story.

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3. Make A Decision

Worrying keeps you stuck in indecision. This is exactly where your brain wants you. It tricks you into believing you’re just taking the time to make the right decision when, in reality, it just keep you into your comfort zone.

But choosing to stay stuck in indecision is a choice, too. When you don’t commit to your goals, you commit to what you have right now. If you don’t want that, it’s time to make a different choice.

Every decision made out of fear and worry – including the decision to NOT choose anything – is a decision that WON’T get you closer to your goals.

Worry and fear keep you stuck in limitations. You’re so focused on what you can’t do, be, or have, that you don’t see all the resources and opportunities that are already in front of you.

When you can’t trust what your head is telling you, trust your intuition. If you weren’t worried about it, what action would you take? Do that.


Think of a goal you want to reach, but worrying is getting in the way. Then, grab pen and paper and answer this question: “If I weren’t worried about it, if I knew I could not fail and nothing bad will happen, what decision would I take? What would I do?” Do that.

P.S. It’s ok if this decision excites you and scares you at the same time. That’s how you know you’re going in the right direction.

4. Take Aligned Action (The Key To Stop Worrying)

The truth is, you can do all the mindset work in the world and process your emotions for years, but until you take the action you’re hesitating to take, nothing is going to change.

Your brain is worried your past will repeat itself. If you were bullied at school, it worries you may be bullied by your audience. If someone rejected you, it worries potential clients may reject you. If you’ve always struggled with money, it worries you may make a lot of money only to lose it all.

Mindset work only takes you to the point where you’re less worried about taking action. But in order to rewire your mindset and stop worrying, your brain needs proof that what you were so worried about won’t happen – and in the rare eventuality it does, that it’s not so bad and you won’t die.

The only way to do that is take the action you’re hesitant to take and show your brain you can get the results you want without anything bad happening in the process. Are you ready for it?


Think of a big goal you’d like to accomplish. What action have you been hesitant to take up until now? Go ahead and do it. NOW. Don’t give your brain time to talk you out of it. You’ll be surprised at what happens when you feel the fear and do it anyway.

Wrapping It Up: How To Stop Worrying Once And For All

The way to stop worrying and start taking action towards your goals? Question your worries, calm down your nervous system, make the decision to go for it, and act on it straight away. You’ll reach your goals sooner than you think.

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I'm Giorgia, transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your subconscious blocks to success and become the confident leader who can make bold moves, so you can finally reach your big business and income goals without hustling.

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