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Ep 022: How To Be A Better Leader (Without Burning Out) With Katy Murray


Hi, I'm giorgia
A transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your success blocks, so you can go from overwhelmed to overbooked.
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The Freedom Formula is a proven system to help you go from overwhelmed to overbooked.

Katy Murray is a leadership coach, diversity and inclusion consultant, and business mastermind host. Katy’s passionate about supporting change-making women to step up in leadership without burning out. She’s worked in 35 countries and coached 1000s of women over 20 years as a coach, group facilitator and consultant. 

Her coachees are change-makers in business, online entrepreneurship and social impact. She’s run her coaching and consulting business for 11 years. Hive Learning named Katy one of the Top 50 D+I leaders in the UK. Her first book “Change Makers: A Woman’s Guide To Stepping Up Without Burning Out At Work” was published by Kogan Page in April 2022.

In this interview, Katy talks about why we are all leaders (even if you’re not in an official leadership role), what makes a good leader, how we can all use our voice and power to create a ripple effect and change in the world, and so much more. Let’s dive in!

In This Episode

  • Welcome Katy! Her story and how she found her calling as a leadership coach for change-makers. [02:43]
  • What does leadership mean to Katy and what kind of leadership does the world need today? [05:56]
  • What makes a good leader (personality traits, etc)? [08:11]
  • Misconceptions about leadership and how to lead. [11:40]
  • How can leaders juggle their many work responsibilities and personal life without burning out. [15:05]
  • Two habits that support Katy in her leadership and keep her from burning out. [18:12]
  • How can each of us step up and be leaders when you feel powerless and like your contribution won’t change the world? [23:54]
  • How can women leaders find the confidence to speak up and use their voice? [31:23]
  • The discomfort vs danger of speaking up. [35:12]
  • What inspired Katy to write her new book, “Change Makers: A Woman’s Guide To Stepping Up Without Burning Out At Work”? [37:32]
  • Katy’s advice on how multi-passionates can create a business and life around all their passions. [39:35]
  • Parting words and how to connect with Katy. [42:35]


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“We are each leaders, so what, whether or not we have that role.”

“Great leaders really enable others to thrive and bring that potential.”

“Who’s going to give me feedback. Who’s going to really tell me how I’m doing and, and call me out and call me in, you know, gently, kindly lovingly, to being my best self, who’s going to speak to my blind spots and that, that kind of support and accountability I think is quite rare for leaders to find that.”

“That folder is now filled with. Weekly wins. And so if I’m ever having a slump or a funk or a day where I’m just like, oh my goodness, what is this all about? Or I lose my momentum, which by the way, was yesterday for me this week. And I can look at that folder and I can see, okay, I’m making progress.”

Are you an overwhelmed female entrepreneur, coach, or service-based provider ready to break through your current plateau and reach your next income level?

I invite you to join Fempreneur Freedom Formula, a proven system to break free of your success blocks, so you can go from overwhelmed to overbooked – without trying yet another marketing strategy and sacrificing more of your personal life.

1️⃣ First, identify and break through the success block that keeps you stuck in overwhelm, so you can finally increase your income while reducing your workload – and be able to take time off with your family without feeling guilty. 🚀

2️⃣ Then, we put the mindset work in practice with a set of high-performance tools and habits to transform your identity, so you can attract higher-paying clients and opportunities that match the next level version of yourself – without sacrificing more of your personal life.💰

3️⃣ Finally, we create a game plan so you know the exact steps to take each day to reach your next income level, feel confident and in control of your business – no more getting distracted by new shiny tactics. 💪

Ready to Break Free? Click below and let’s make it happen!


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I'm Giorgia, transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your subconscious blocks to success and become the confident leader who can make bold moves, so you can finally reach your big business and income goals without hustling.

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Are you ready to reach your next level of success without burning yourself out? Success Accelerator is a proven system to help you go from overwhelmed to overbooked - without trying yet another marketing strategy.

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