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Ep 021: The Real Reason You Haven’t Discovered Your Life Purpose Yet

Life Purpose

Hi, I'm giorgia
A transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your success blocks, so you can go from overwhelmed to overbooked.
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The Freedom Formula is a proven system to help you go from overwhelmed to overbooked.

Ever wondered why you can’t find your life purpose? You know you’re here for a reason. Deep down, you hear that whisper telling you there’s more to life than this, that you’re meant to do something else, something more…

You’re going round in circles trying to figure out what that is, so you can finally start the right business and get on with your life. But… the more you think about it, the more confused you get…

What if I told you you’re looking for the answer in all the wrong places?

Below is a summary of the podcast episode.

Your Life Purpose Isn’t A Goal 

If you can’t find your life purpose, it’s because you’re looking for it in all the wrong places.

A life purpose isn’t a goal to achieve. It’s not that book you want to write. That album you want to release. That TED Talk you want to give. These are accomplishments that can inspire people, empower them to take action, and bring beauty and joy into the world. 

If they’re something you feel called to do, you must absolutely do them. Dreams and desires are part of your life purpose and the work you have to do here on this planet.

But they’re NOT your life purpose. Your life purpose doesn’t have an expiration date. It’s not done the second your book is released or your album is out into the world. Your life purpose wants you to keep contributing your treasures and gifts to the world till your dying day.

Your Life Purpose Isn’t A Business (Or A Career)

Another common misconception that doesn’t help you to find your life purpose? Your life purpose isn’t a job, a career, a profession, or a business, either.

I’m a big believer that knowing your life purpose helps you determine what business you should start or what career is best suited to your talents and strengths – that’s why I start all my coaching programmes with helping you figure that out first. But, while your life purpose doesn’t change, the way you fulfill it does.

In the past few years, I’ve had careers as a freelance writer, skin coach, personal assistant, and now success coach for multi-passionate women. For most of my life, I felt like I was flaky for not being able to find that one thing I was meant to do forever.

Once I got clear on my purpose – healing limiting beliefs in women – I was able to see that I had been fulfilling my life purpose all along… just in different ways.

Stop trying to find that one thing to do for the rest of your life and focus on how best you can use your talents and passions to fulfill your life purpose in this time of your life.

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What Life Purpose Is

If your life purpose isn’t an achievement, a goal, a business, or a career… then what the heck is it?!

Your life purpose is your mission in life. It’s the overarching theme of your life. It’s an expression of your soul. Think of it like a compass, always guiding you in the right direction. It keeps you clear on what really matters to you and what you want out of life.

When I work with clients, I like to sum up their purpose in a mission statement like this: “My life purpose is to help women fulfill their full potential and be the best version of themselves they can be both inside and out.”

Whenever you need to make a decision, simply refer to your mission statement and ask yourself, “Is this aligned with my purpose? Will it help me fulfill it?” If the answer is yes, you know you are on the right track.

Wrapping It Up

If you’re struggling to find your life purpose, it’s because of the many misconceptions around it. Your life purpose isn’t something to achieve or work to do. It’s a mission statement, an expression of your soul, a compass that guides you throughout your life. You’ll fulfill it in different ways over the years, so don’t get too hung up on finding the right calling. Just start doing the work you’re meant to do today.

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I'm Giorgia, transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your subconscious blocks to success and become the confident leader who can make bold moves, so you can finally reach your big business and income goals without hustling.

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