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The 4C Manifestation Process To Create A Business And Life That Feels As Good As It Looks With Lou George


Hi, I'm giorgia
A transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your success blocks, so you can go from overwhelmed to overbooked.
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The Freedom Formula is a proven system to help you go from overwhelmed to overbooked.
Lou George podcast interview

Ever wondered what the real secret to manifestation is?

Everyone’s talking about repeating affirmations and doing visualisations every single day. 

But… if that were enough to manifest your dream life and business, you’d have it already.

“Affirmations will mean nothing if you’ve got current limiting beliefs and fears and insecurities.”

Lou George

Transformational and success coach Lou George went from charging by the hour for coaching services to building a multi-six-figure coaching business while traveling the world and working with soul mates clients.

Her secret? Manifesting a life that feels as good as it looks is about aligning your thoughts, your feelings, and YOUR actions with your desires. 

In this conversation, Lou shares how to get clear on your desires, how to manifest a life that feels as good as it looks, and overcoming imposter syndrome, and so much more. Let’s dive in!

In This Episode

  • Welcome Lou! Her story and how she came to do this work.
  • As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, how does Lou decided what projects/passions to focus on?
  • The biggest mindset blocks and limiting beliefs holding people back from creating their dream business and life.
  • How to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions to manifest your desires.
  • Common misconceptions about manifestations – this is why you haven’t manifested your goals yet!
  • How people can overcome limiting beliefs that prevent them from acting like they already have what they want.
  • Lou’s 4C Technique to reprogramme your subconscious mind for success.
  • What advice would Lou give to women who need to know the how before they can take action on their desires?
  • What mindset blocks stop women from receiving abundance – and how to eliminate them.
  • Parting words and how to connect with Lou.


Check out Lou’s website:

Check out Lou’s coaching programme, Coded: 

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“If you want the best self-development there is out there, start a business.”

“Mindset is absolutely everything when it comes to being successful in any area of our life, in business.”

“What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

“Whatever you think you can do or can’t do, you’re right.”

“Manifestation is simply bringing something from idea to physical.”

“Thoughts really do become things.”

“When we’re in a needy energy or a wanting energy, we’re just saying we don’t have it. We’re affirming we don’t have it. We’re programming our subconscious mind with, I don’t have it.”

“The physical reality is the final stage of manifestation.”

“Our only job is to know what we want and surrender the how and when.”

“We cannot receive more of those things if we do not think we’re worthy of those things.”

“No one is gonna put you where you wanna be in your life. You have to do it yourself.”

Are you an overwhelmed female entrepreneur, coach, or service-based provider ready to break through your current plateau and reach your next income level?

I invite you to join Fempreneur Freedom Formula, a proven system to break free of your success blocks, so you can go from overwhelmed to overbooked – without trying yet another marketing strategy and sacrificing more of your personal life.

1️⃣ First, identify and break through the success block that keeps you stuck in overwhelm, so you can finally increase your income while reducing your workload – and be able to take time off with your family without feeling guilty. 🚀

2️⃣ Then, we put the mindset work in practice with a set of high-performance tools and habits to transform your identity, so you can attract higher-paying clients and opportunities that match the next level version of yourself – without sacrificing more of your personal life.💰

3️⃣ Finally, we create a game plan so you know the exact steps to take each day to reach your next income level, feel confident and in control of your business – no more getting distracted by new shiny tactics. 💪

Ready to Break Free? Click below and let’s make it happen!


Let’s unlock your next level of success together.

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I'm Giorgia, transformational coach on a mission to help you break through your subconscious blocks to success and become the confident leader who can make bold moves, so you can finally reach your big business and income goals without hustling.

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Are you ready to reach your next level of success without burning yourself out? Success Accelerator is a proven system to help you go from overwhelmed to overbooked - without trying yet another marketing strategy.

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