
Ready to discover the work you're meant do, so you can finally start the RIGHT business and make a lot of money doing what you love? 

the 3 key clues your life purpose leaves behind

the #1 mistake you're making that's stopping you from finding your purpose

5 steps purpose formula to identify your purpose and turn it into a profitable business

buy now (£19.00)

You're meant for more...

But how do you know what that is?!

Following your passion is bad advice. I spent the past 15 years trying to monetise every passion I had, separately - and got bored, and quit, after a few years.

Monetise a skill you're really good at is bad advice too. Every time I did that, I got trapped in a business that made me good money, but that did NOT excite me. At all.

I'd cry myself to sleep at night, wondering, "what the heck is wrong with me?! Why can't I make my mind up, pick one thing and stick to it?"

The truth is, you can make money with anything. But if that is your goal, you'll end up hustling hard to create a business that feels like a prison and start wondering if you should have stayed in your cubicle after all...

there's a better way

Turn Your Purpose Into Your Business

Your purpose is the work you're meant to do in the world. Your intuition knows what that is, but to your mind it seems crazy, and so it throws you off track, always looking for a business idea that seems "realistic" for you.

It's time to discover your purpose, so you can turn into a business: a business that allows you to make a lot of money, doing work you love, from anywhere in the world - without feeling bored and wanting to quit.

Ready To Discover Your Purpose?

Here's what you'll get:

my 5 steps formula for discovering your purpose (video training)

discover your training workbook

buy now (£19.00)

When you're building a purpose-driven business, you're so excited about what you do, you easily attract the right people to you. Work feels fun and easy. And you wake up in the morning knowing you do something that matters - and getting well-paid for it, too!

And that's why I've created this training

meet your coach

Hi, I'm Giorgia And I'm Obsessed With Helping You Reach Your Goals

I’m a transformational coach, leadership trainer, podcaster, and author who, at one point, was rejected by more than 100+ companies. 

8 years ago, I packed all my belongings in a tiny pink trolley, booked a one way ticket to London, and off I went to build my coaching business. In the first few years, I invested everything I made into working with some of the world's best coaches, including Michael Strasner (Lewis Howes' coach).

Since then, I went on to work with 100+ 6- and 7-figures entrepreneurs, business leaders, CEOs, and even award-winning comedians to help them reach their next level of success, double their income, and sell out their programmes - without hustling.

read my story

This Is For You

You have lots of ideas for your business and don't know which one to pick...

You want to create the right business from the start - no wasting time and money on the wrong idea.

You already have a business, but deep down, you know you're not doing what you're meant to do.


You're ready to finally discover your purpose and do the work you're meant to do in the world.

buy it now (£19.00)

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